Our Youngest Grandchild Is on the Road!

When Jesse stopped in on Saturday morning, he just stood there for a bit smiling, then it “hit us” he was alone and I said, “I bet you just passed your drivers test.”

He smiled and said, “Yes.”

He is blessed with the old family Jeep that each of his older brothers used. I think we were often their first drive alone because we live only one mile away.

We knew his driver’s test was coming up, and when I asked him at Christmas dinner, “How will we know when you pass.” Jere or Kristen said, “When he shows up at your place alone.

Congratulations, Jesse!

He is the youngest of our grandchildren. Next it will be the great grandchildren. Andre will be 12 next month and Anthony will be 10 in May, so we have a few more years to wait for the next driver’s test.