Notes from Sunday Worship

Sunday, June 2

Sunday School – “Jesus Institutes a New Covenant”

Superintendent – Roland Longenecker – God is keeping His covenant to you. Are you keeping your covenant to Him when you vowed to follow Him to death.

Teacher – Nevin Ebersole

Jesus came to reconcile us to God. A compassion we cannot understand. A love we cannot comprehend.

Because of the New Covenant, we don’t have to wait for a future day, or for a specific monthly or yearly ritual to be cleansed. Forgiveness and cleansing is available today.

After Jesus died on the cross, He said, “It is finished.” The Old Testaments priests could never say that. There was always more sin to deal with, more sacrifices to deal with.

Church Worship – Opening devotions – Dave Wenger

When a man spends his time helping the man below him, he won’t have time to envy the man above him.

Sermon – Carl Groff – Titus 3

How do we get to a place of doing our best for Jesus when we don’t feel like it? Carl said, “Hymns and gospel music inspire him.”

God’s Spirit desires to lead us. Make it a goal to hear from the Holy Spirit daily.

Remember our “lostness” and where we would be without Jesus. Know that you have been cleared of guilt.

Live your salvation experience in a way that others will want a salvation experience.