Notes from Sunday Worship

Sunday, April 28

Sunday School – “Called to Make Disciples”

Teacher: Dustan Rohrer (our grandson-in-law)

Jesus has the authority to tell us to “fish” for people – or make disciples.

We don’t always like directions from authority, but we need authority. Imagine an airport without authority: pilots could pick any runway and leave whenever they felt like it.

If you are not fishing for people, you are not following Christ.

Jesus said, I will be with you always – until the end of time.


Morning Message – Temperance Sermon

Eric Brubaker – visiting minister

Today there are many people who purpose to be minimalists. They desire to live life intentionally, trying to do more with less. This is a kind of temperance.

Temperance is a fruit of the spirit.

Temperance is a virtue to add to a godly life.

Athletes need to follow temperance if they want to win.

Synonyms for temperance: sensible, sober, alert, sound mind, discipline, moderation. Opposite of temperance: extreme, excessive, out of control.

Two areas of temperance: our thinking and what we do.


Thinking is where the battle is won or lost

The sensible people keep their eyes on wisdom – fools have no boundaries.

We must have a realistic view of ourselves – a balance between pride and self-abasement.

When we have tempered expectations, we avoid extremes

What We Do

What we do with our bodies and resources

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit

We have become an addicted nation – and are continually in a battle for self-control. The addictive nature is rampid around us.

Most of us have to deal with an “aholic” in our personality.

Alcohol aholic

Drug aholic

Nicotine aholic

Social media aholic

Sports aholic

News aholic

Food aholic

Caffeine aholic

Fitness aholic

With God’s power, we can bring our lives into balance.

II Peter 1:4 reminds us that we have escaped the passions of the world – that through Jesus Christ we have power to live a godly life.

However, we must pursue it. It will take discipline. We must address temperance in our mind.

Temperance will keep us from being barren and unfruitful.

Closing thoughts from Dave Wenger

When we use God’s wisdom, it is good for tomorrow. We will have no regrets when we apply God’s wisdom to our decisions.