Jesse and Me

Monday, April 29

I received a phone call from our youngest grandson, Jesse, this morning asking if he could interview me this afternoon for a school project. I said, “Sure, but we will be in Cleveland.”

We were on the Pennsylvania Turnpike – taking my sister, Nancy, and her husband to the Cleveland Clinic when he called. Marlin is having a checkup following complicated heart surgery at the clinic several weeks ago.

Jesse’s dad, Jere, emailed this photo to me as Jesse asked me questions (notice the phone) about my childhood and school days.

On this end, I was on the ninth floor of a Holiday Inn overlooking the rainy city of Cleveland.

Jesse jogged my memory about things I hadn’t thought about for a long time. How was school different for you than school is today? What games did you play as a child? What were your chores. What international events do you remember from your childhood? Where did you go for vacation when you were a child? What was your first job?