Sunday Worship Notes

Sunday, March 17

We visited Manheim Brethren in Christ Church due to being invited to share our financial experiences with a Sunday school class.

This particular class is studying Dave Ramsey financial videos, and our son Jere mentioned that Cerwin and I appreciate Dave Ramsey. Consequently the class leader thought it would be good to hear from an “older” couple. (So when did we get old.) 🙂

We enjoyed meeting everyone in the class and sharing some of our experiences and challenging them to:

Live within your income.

Pay off credit cards every month

If finances are tight, be satisfied with things like homebrewed coffee instead of paying $5.00 a day for a latte or fancy coffee. Multiply $5.00 by 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year and try to save and invest it.

Start investing finances when you are young so you can retire comfortably.

Choose a Kingdom when making decisions. There are only two kingdoms – God or Satan. Being satisfied with God gives a satisfaction that things cannot.


They are in a series about living in the kingdom

Sunday’s Subject – A Community that Gives

by Bryan Hoke, BIC Atlantic Conference Bishop

How does “God’s Kingdom” work in community? In our giving? In a wealthy country? We have a lot. Not everyone in the kingdom is blessed like those in USA.

Do you have enough food for today – for tomorrow? Do you have two sets of clothing? You have a lot compared to most of the world.

1 Timothy 6:17-19

Live so that your life is true “Life”. Be rich in good deeds. Where is your trust?

Isaiah 55:1

Don’t be chasing after wrong things. Chase lasting joy. Happiness doesn’t come from stuff. Don’t hold things too lightly.

Are you generous with things you really love, or do you think, I worked really long and hard for this?

Generosity encompasses more than money. It also involves time, prayers, and skills. Sometimes the easiest thing to give is money. We would rather throw money at a mission – from a distance – than get dirty in a ditch. Our lives are often self-focused.

Where is your security – your confidence – your hope?