Lunch with Doris & Sharyn

Thursday, March 14

I was honored when Doris Herr (left) invited me to join her and Sharyn Stoner for lunch at Brickerville House Restaurant. It was for Sharyn’s birthday.

I have know Doris since we went to a one room school house together. She was one grade ahead of me. Sharyn lives nearby, but I only learned to know her in the past few years – through her husband Geff and son Will who are truckers and involved with TFC’s Truck Rally.

We met at 11:30 am, enjoyed lunch, and were surprised when we looked at our watches to discover it was 3:00 pm.

We all know each other, but the three of us have never been together like this. We told lots of life-stories and were glad we had been assigned the Garden Room, which is their overflow when the restaurant is full. A few other groups joined us in the room, but we had a corner to ourselves, and for most of the afternoon had the room to ourselves.

Thank you, Doris, it was fun to surprise Sharyn, and to spend the afternoon together. We must do this again.