A New Freezer

The other week when Cerwin and I were out for lunch with Diane, we began discussing defrosting our old freezer.

Then he surprised me by saying, “Or would you rather get a new self-defrosting freezer?”

Of course I chose a new freezer. 🙂

We stopped by the house to drop off some groceries, then went to Longenecker’s Hardware where we chose a new freezer. While paying for it, two employees came up to the desk and had a few words with the salesman. The salesman looked at us and asked if we were going directly home.

I said we were and asked the two service men if they needed a job that afternoon. They did. 🙂

We went home and Diane helped us quickly unload the contents of the freezer into containers, and had just finished when the Longenecker’s service men arrived and moved our old freezer outside to the yard – so it could defrost on its own.

The new freezer is on the right – in our garage – next to our old refrigerator.

I found it rather amusing that in the morning we hadn’t even though about defrosting the old freezer or buying a new one.

Next I contacted PPL – our local electric company – who promises to pay $30.00 for old freezers (and other things) to customers who buy new electrical equipment.

Before long PPL was here to pick up the old freezer.

It will be nice to have a freezer that doesn’t need defrosted. 🙂