Special Ice Cream Date

Tuesday, February 21

The morning sunrise changed by the minute.

After a light supper, we met Nate, Abby, and Anthony at Fox Meadows Creamery for ice cream.

It was what Abby chose for her birthday treat.

So many delicious choices

We chose a table in the small room behind the ordering area.

Abby, Anthony, and Nathaniel.

The many faces of Anthony as he enjoyed his ice cream cone.

Two granddaughters and a great-grandson.

We thought Jana (left) wasn’t working that night, but after a bit she came out from the kitchen area. She was being trained to prepare hot food – a new feature at Fox Meadows.

My little buddy.

Oh, I must tell you about my ice cream treat!

When my sister learned that we were going to the creamery, she said, “Did you ever try the affogato? It is amazing!”

It is made with ice cream, espresso, whipped cream and a pirouette. I chose vanilla ice cream and decaf espresso.

Wow! That is addictive.