Give Them Love Anyway

I love what Ann Voskamp posted on Instagram today  – and since I don’t have time to post pictures tonight, I am sharing part of it with you. If you want to see the rest, go to:

Giving isn’t about what you have in your hands — it’s what you have in your heart. .And never doubt it
An act of kindness, giving it forward, can be more powerful than a sword in starting needed revolutions.
True, people may be angry,
Give them love anyway.
People may not like your way,
Give them kindness anyway.
People may be divisive,
Give them dignity anyway.
People may be indifferent,
Give them genuine attention anyway.
People may build fences,
Give them a gate anyway.
People may disagree with you,
Give them space at the table anyway.
People may climb over each other to get ahead
Give them a bit of your heart anyway.
Because honestly?
Giving kindness is how to give sight and hearing to those who hearts may be blind and deaf.