A Cold Morning & A Pretty Sunset

Monday Morning, October 19

A Cold Morning (1)Our first frost

A Cold Morning (2)

A Cold Morning (3)

A Cold Morning (4)Our first cold morning created a thin layer of ice in the bird bath.

A Cold Morning (5)

A Cold Morning (6)The fields where corn had recently been harvested were also frosted with white.

A Cold Morning (7)

A Cold Morning (8)The leaves on our bushes also showed signs of the light frost.

A Cold Morning (9)

A Cold Morning (10)Cerwin had to scrape the pickup truck windows before going to the TFC office.

A Cold Morning (11)He called me shortly after leaving to see if I noticed the smoke in the western sky. He drove toward what was burning. It turned out to be someone burning trash – safely in the middle of a field.

A Cold Morning (12)We are enjoying the beautiful fall sunsets. This one was from the evening of Tuesday, March 20.