Bathing Cardinal & Birthday Supper

Wednesday, April 22

1 (1)One of the good things about being home again is watching my birds.

1 (2)This cardinal was enjoying a bath. It must have been rain water, because I hadn’t cleaned or filled the bird bath yet.

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1 (7)His lady was on the ground searching for seeds.

DSC_0823Cerwin’s birthday supper at RD’s with Deb, Roy, and his mother, Barbara (who was visiting from Florida).

It was nice not having to cook because catching up after a two-week road trip takes more than a few hours – with lots of laundry and office work.

Also, when I tried to do a bulk mailing, the envelope printer refused to print. When I called Pitney Bowes, he said, “You have a very old printer.” After a few hours, he called and said he couldn’t find a motherboard for it. 🙁 So a new printer is on order.

DSC_0825Deb ordered a pecan pie for Cerwin (his favorite) from RD’s mother.

Pecan pie is not my favorite, but this was the best I have ever eaten!