Jared’s Graduation from High School


Thursday, June 8

7:00 pm


Manheim Central’s High School Graduation was held at LCBC Church, Manheim, PA

Waiting for the entrance of the graduates. Jere & Kristen (left), Ian (facing camera) and Austin and Jana (right).

Curtain center piece on the stage.

Slides of graduates were rotating on the screens beside the stage.

Announcement of the entrance of the graduates.

Photographers were positioned at the left and right entrances – photographing both with a split screen. Jared is on the far right with his walking partner as they approached the photographer.

Each walking duo did something to announce their entrance when positioned in front of the camera. These two shook hands.

Walking to his seat

My view of the graduating class as they stood with their backs to us.

There were a variety of speakers, including Mr. Joshua Weitzel, High School Principal (left) and if I remember correctly, the young woman is Lauren Huber Class President of 2023 (right) as she presented her welcome.

There was also a piano solo and a musical selection by members of the graduating class, plus one member from the class of 2025.

The guest speaker was Ms. Amanda Conway Simmons, a graduate of Manheim Central in 1996 – Master Gunnery Sergeant. She is a member of “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band stationed at Marine Barracks Washington D.C.

My favorite quote from her message was, “You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond.”

Jared (left) walking towards center stage.

Receiving his diploma – Magna Cum Laude.

Being congratulated by Mr. Weitzel, High School Principal.

Finishing his onstage walk.

This time he was on our side of the row – after being seated.

Moving his tassel with the other graduates. I counted 229 graduates on the program.

Throwing of the caps after their graduation affirmation.

Jared had his name inside the cap. His dad watched where it went and was able to retrieve it.

A photo with one of his friends in the entrance area where lighting and the crowd was challenging.

With his parents: Kristen and Jere

With us

Ian (brother), Austin (brother-in-law), Jana (sister), Jared, Yeira (girlfriend)

Jared and Yeira

Next step in life – a fulltime job in electrical construction with C.M. High, Inc., Myerstown, PA.