1st Birthday Party for Emmy


Friday Evening, May 12

6 pm


Uncle Jordan was giving Emmy a ride on Jade’s bike when we arrived.

Jade is still learning to ride without training wheels, so was unsure of riding for a photograph.

Emmy with her parents Nate (our grandson) and Lauree.

Another pose

Supper was tacos or a taco salad – whatever you chose.

Jade enjoyed having Aunt Gloria help her with bike riding.

Nate and Lauree wanted a picture of their little family with Emmy’s birthday cake. Emmy did not want to cooperate.

They chose another location. Emmy continued to be grumpy – until Jade noticed what was happening and began jumping up and down and waving her arms – making Emmy laugh. (Jade has two aunts who are photographers and has watched them take photos that include getting children’s attention.) šŸ™‚

Cake and gifts

The beautiful and delicious birthday cake.

Emmy and her dad playing with the balloons.

Getting ready to sing happy birthday to Emmy before she enjoys her special cup cake.

Clapping because we were all clapping after singing.

What do I do with this?

Oh, yum!

Aunt Jenna even got her to stand and take two steps.

Whoops! She fell down this time. Jenna babysits her on occasion, so Emmy is comfortable with her. I expect the babysitting will be adjusted for a while after Jenna and Dustan have a baby in mid-June. The baby’s big brother (Drake) and big sister (Jade) are in the background with great grandpa.

Gloria, Emmy, a cousin and Lauree. The little guy is the son of one of Lauree’s sisters.

Some of the young ones had been playing badminton when they decided they wanted Emmy’s great grandparents to play badminton with one of the balloons that was floating around.

I think it is easier to play with a badminton shuttlecock than trying to control a balloon.

Oh, well our lack of being able to control the balloon brought a lot of laughter to our grandchildren. šŸ™‚

This is what the house looked like when we left shortly after 8 pm.