God Our Provider – Youth Sunday at White Oak Church


Sunday, April 16

The youth were in charge of our morning worship service


Zachery led the congregational singing

Caden was in charge of opening devotions.

The youth asked Jon Cassel – one of our youngest ministers – to preach the morning sermon.

Jon gave an example of how God provided for his family.

Youth choir singing The River. The choir also included youth advisors. Dwayne, the leader, and his wife are advisors.

Goodness of God

Small group singing I Speak Jesus

A slide show of 2022 and 2023 youth activities.

I only took two pictures of their many work projects, ministry, retreats, Bible studies and fun activities.

Praying for the offering to support the youth group.

A children’s skit called The Crazy Truth. The guys began with a bubble machine that was supposed to multiply a little bottle of bubbles into a large number of bubbles.

The guy in the black hat did not believe that it would work so they said, if you don’t believe us, we have a real story to tell you The Crazy Truth of multiplication.

A disciple with Jesus when they realized that the crowd of people needed to be fed.

This disciples could only find five loaves of bread and two fish in the crowd.

Jesus praying over the bread and fish.

Soon the disciples were handing out fish (Pepperidge Farms) – to each child.

Before long they needed more baskets and helpers because the fish were multiplying.

After telling the “doubter” about the time Jesus fed the five thousand by multiplying the bread and fish, they went back to the bubble machine and soon had bubbles going everywhere.

I loved the creativity and message of this skit – reminding us that God provides.

An Ensemble singing Gentle Healer closed the morning program – followed by the benediction and a congregational song.

You can listen to it at https://whiteoak-church.org/sermon-streaming.

The password is: Penryn then click on Youth Sunday and “play video.”