Supper at Yoder’s Restaurant, New Holland, PA


Saturday Evening, March 25


This is the rest of the story to those of you who listened to my message at Ladies Fellowship earlier in the day.

Many of you will recognize our friend Sam Rittenhouse (left) but you may not know our friend Penny. Penny was part of an illustration when I spoke at Ladies’ Fellowship in the morning.

While Cerwin was taking the previous picture, a waitress asked if we wanted a photo that included him. Of course, we did. 🙂

Penny and I go back to 1987 when she was saved out of witchcraft after stopping at Transport For Christ Chapel which was parked at the truck stop at Manada Hill (Harrisburg), PA.

We met a few days later at a TFC retreat. We still smile at the differences in our lives and how we became friends. At the time, she knew almost nothing about serving Jesus and I knew almost nothing about witchcraft.

She had a profound impact on my life and taught me the dangers of stubbornness and rebellion in a Christian’s life (Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. 1 Samuel 15:23) and I like to think she also learned a few things from me on trusting God.

She lives in another state, so we don’t see each other very often, but we do stay in touch on social media. It is always good for my soul to hang out with her for an hour or two.

Sam also had a godly impact on her life. He is like a big brother/father figure to her.