New Deacons for Our Congregation


Sunday, March 19


Following morning worship, our congregation was blessed to install two new couples to serve us as deacons. They were voted to this office about a year ago.

In this photo our moderator, Dave Wenger, is asking them the questions that apply to serving as deacon couples. Left: Tanya and Cole Zimmerman. Right: Briana and Matthew Patches.

This is during the time when the congregation was standing and accepting them to serve our congregation. In the background you see Kenneth Leininger the visiting minister who preached the morning sermon.

When I was asked to take these pictures for our future Pictorial Directory, I was hoping I could stay in my seat and not make a scene by walking around, but somehow this was not the picture I was looking for. 🙂

This is a bit better, but still not what I wanted, so I went out a front door and came in on the other side of the sanctuary.

Yes. This is what I wanted.

This includes several from our ministerial team and two deacon representatives.

We appreciate these couples and because of their attitudes and dedication to the Lord, know they will serve us well.

Blessings to you and your children – Briana, Matt, Cole and Tanya.