One More Birthday Celebration


Monday, February 13


My sister Nancy took our daughter Diane and me out for my birthday breakfast.

Diane and Nancy

We chose Our Little Dutch Cafe because Nancy had never been there.

I got my favorite “Dippy Eggs (over medium) and home fries. (Dippy Eggs is the name on their menu.)

You probably have to be from Lancaster County to know about Dippy Eggs. That is the only name I knew for an egg over light or medium when I was growing up. That meant there was enough yolk for dipping toast into it. 🙂

We had a great time of eating and visiting.


Remember when I got this bouquet of flowers from Cerwin the day before my birthday and wondered about the color of the lily buds?

The were a beautiful burgundy/red.

Now I will get back to a normal year of living one day at a time – celebrating life with Cerwin and our family. God is good!