A Cold Windy Day in Our Valley


Friday, December 23


We were enjoying the coziness of our home on a very cold, windy day before Christmas when – just like that – we lost our electricity.

We called PPL (our electric company) to make sure they knew, and I took supper out of the oven and put it on top of the stove. This is when I am grateful that we cook and heat (mostly) with propane. At a time like this, the oven won’t work, but I can light the burners with a match.

Before long I noticed a PPL bucket truck at the homestead. It seems the problem was with a wire due to wind. I felt bad for the man who had to be in the bucket in the high wind, but he seemed secure.

It was so cold (we had a low of 7 degrees) that the birds looked like little fluff balls.

The two previous pictures don’t do much to prove our cold weather, but the frozen birdbath my give you an idea of how cold it was. It wasn’t just frozen, but frozen solid.

This was just before Christmas when some areas, like Buffalo, NY, received lots of snow. We were barely inconvenienced without electricity because it was a bright sunny day, and it was the middle of the afternoon. The electric was back in two hours.

Now, it’s New Year’s Eve and we are back to more normal winter temperatures. It’s an early foggy afternoon as I enter this post and the temperature is a balmy 50 degrees.