Puss in Boots the Last Wish


Saturday Afternoon, December 24


Jere and Kristen continued their Christmas tradition of taking their family, Roy and Deb and Cerwin and me to a Penn Cinema movie on Christmas Eve. This one was showing just after noon.

Roy and his mom, Barb, stayed down front in the wheelchair area so she didn’t have to go up the steps.

We each chose our own snacks in the lobby. Lots of popcorn, soda and soft pretzel nuggets.

We had the entire room to ourselves until just before the movie when 4 or 5 other people came in and sat in front of us.

Cerwin, me, Jere, Kristen and Deb sat in front of the kids. Deb brought a bag of cookies and snacks for each couple or person.

The young people: Ian (Ryleigh was at home in western PA), Jana (Austin was a bit late because he had to work at the bank that morning), Bridgett and Josh, Jesse, Jared and Yeira.

Puss in Boots was on his nineth life and gave us many frightening, close calls. But it was a cartoon, so we knew he would be okay. 🙂

The kids at the Christmas tree in the lobby. Jesse, Ian, Jared, Yeira, Josh, Bridgett, Jana and Austin.

With Jere, Cerwin, Kristen, Roy, Barb and Deb.

Cerwin took this shot which included me.

We drove home through Lititz and saw several pretty Christmas decorations.

It blesses my heart to see the manger scene at the square/fountain in Lititz.

We followed an Amish carriage on a narrow road with lots of curves, and just as Cerwin was preparing to pass them, they turned into a lane.

Remember the pond that was dug at the homestead next to us last summer? It is filling nicely and was frozen because of our frigid Christmas weather.

After the movie, Roy, Deb and Barb headed to their home in southern Lancaster County, we headed north to enjoy a quiet evening at home and Jere and Kristen’s family went to their house for their Christmas gift exchange.

It was fun to spend time with part of our family.