Sweet Visitors


Thursday, November 17

Jenna, Jade and Drake


Our granddaughter Jenna messaged me earlier in the week, asking if there was a day that suited us for her to bring the children and visit a bit. We settled on Thursday morning. She came bearing gifts. Items that she makes so people can purchase them for times when they need a quick meal. Our daughter Deb purchased these things for our Christmas gift. Jenna was the delivery person.

Lasagna, Chicken Enchiladas (2 containers), Ham and Potato Casserole and Taco Soup with corn muffins. Thank you!

Jenna said Jade had been asking to come to our place to play with our toys. What fun watching her play with things that her mom played with.

At one point, I asked Jade and Drake how old they are.

Jade knew right away, but Drake had to be prompted a bit.

My heart smiles when I get to visit with these three.