2022 Birthday Supper with Jared and Yeira


Wednesday Evening, October 19


Oh, what fun to visit with these two and celebrate Yeira’s 2022 birthday – which was in late spring.

Their choice was Brickerville House Restaurant.

They are both enjoying their studies. Jared is at CTC Brownstown Campus studying Electrical Construction Technology for his senior year of high school. He was recently hired by C.M. High, Inc, Myerstown for his on-hand-job training. He said there is a good chance that he will be able to work with his brother Ian, who went through the same program and now works fulltime for C.M. High.

We have 16 grandchildren and Jared is #15. I am amazed at how quickly time flies and this guy is now a young man.

Yeira graduated from high school last year and is enjoying Veterinary Assistant studies at CTC Willow Street Campus. She has morning lectures then works with animals in the afternoon which is usually follow-up to the morning information.

They both work at Fox Meadows Creamery (Clay location) which is where they met. Their wisdom and love for life makes my heart smile.


When leaving, a young man stopped us and asked Cerwin if he used to work with TFC. Of course, Cerwin said he did. This man used to help paint trailers for mobile chapels and thought he recognized Cerwin.