Church Fellowship Meal


Sunday Evening, September 18

5 pm


We got there just about 5 pm which was the arrival time for the meal at LAMS (Lititz Area Mennonite School) and watched as people arrived and arranged the hot food, salads and desserts in their proper place.

Several watched from the stage (right) as more and more people arrived.

Each year a Sunday school class oversees the set up and activities. This year it was one of the youngest adult classes. I ask one of the ladies how many seats were prepared. She thought about 224.

I enjoyed watching these two walking around holding hands.

5:30 pm. Time to uncover dishes and get in line for food.

I think every seat was filled and some of the children ate outside or on the stage.

Time for the children to get bags for the scavenger hunt.

Listening carefully while Brieanna gave instructions. Choose a team of 3-5 and make sure someone on your team can read.

It was fun watching them look for things and people. Some people were prepared with packaged snacks. I signed the paper for one team because I am older than 75. 🙂

Next was the pie eating contest.

Instructions: You cannot use your hands. To win your plate and mouth must be empty. Only then can you stand up.


Tyler was the winner, but I think Kyle (left) must have been one swallow behind him, because his plate is empty too.

Brieanna (his wife) reminded him that his prize is a whole pie.

Tyler getting a high five from Anthony – a tough competitor.