Family Day – Sunday, June 12

Our family began gathering about noon – following everyone’s respective worship services.

Kristen had hired to come to our place to take family photos, because this is as good as it gets with our family each being in the same place. We were missing 5 people. Heather is on the left. Her sister Valarae came as her assistant.

Their brother Dustan is married to our granddaughter Jenna.

The photos in this entry are all mine. I will post her photos tomorrow.

Emmy and Stetson – our new great grandbabies – in an old baby basket that I and my siblings slept in when we were babies.

Jere and Kristen’s family getting in position.

Since I was in many of the photos, I took only a few candid shots during her photoshoot. In this one notice Valarae and our great granddaughter Jade are using puppets to get the attention of the children. You may not be able to notice it here, but Jade is a tiny replica of her aunt Valarae. Since there are only women and girls in this photo, I expect they were taking a picture of the men and boys.

The guys. Waiting for Heather to get everyone in position and color coordinated. She sometimes put white shirts next to blue shirts to mix up the colors. We were told to wear blue, white and khaki colors.

Mark and Diane’s family.

Mark and Diane and five of their six children. Elizabeth was not able to be here.

Each of our married and engaged family members. Obviously, someone borrowed my camera. 🙂

Jasmine and Abby waiting for their next turn in a photo.

Jasmine was playing with her grandpa’s hat.

Jeff’s family in front of his old Chevy.

Three of Jeff and Chris’ grandchildren – Drake, Jade and Bennett – on the back of the truck.

Jordan and his friend Nicole.

We were hoping Donovan and Diana’s baby would be here for the pictures, but he waited until five days later. 🙂

Following the photoshoot, everyone enjoyed lunch. I forgot to take any photos of the table layout. I made two crockpots of cheeseburger soup and had ingredients for hamburger bun sandwiches, relishes and desserts. That worked well for a day like this, because people could begin eating when they weren’t needed for photos. Some even enjoyed snacking between photos. 🙂 I kept the food in the kitchen where it was airconditioned.

At dessert time we took a break to have special prayer for the three new great grandbabies. (Two seen and one unseen.) Lauree, Nathan, Emersyn, Bennett, Donovan, Diana, Waylon (unseen), Kayla, Heze and Stetson.

Donovan and Diana’s baby Waylon was born the following Friday (June 17). Consequently, we have “triplet” great grandchildren who are just 7 weeks apart. Emmy the oldest, Stetson in the middle and Waylon the youngest.

Cake by Lydia



Waylon. 🙂 We will meet him in a few days, so photos will be coming later.

Talking about “triplet” great grandchildren reminded us to take a photo of our “triplet” grandchildren. These three – Josh, Jenna and Heze – are separated by 7 weeks and 1 day. Josh is the oldest, Heze in the middle and Jenna the youngest.

Diane wanted a picture of Stetson wearing the shirt they used last December to announce that they were going to be grandparents again.

She also wanted a photo with their 4 grandchildren who were here. She will get a picture with the other two (Nicodemus and Nzeba) when they get back to Maine. Jasmine didn’t feel like cooperating when Heather was taking photos.

In this photo they added Andre whose mother is dating Josiah. Andre and Anthony had a lot of fun getting to know each other.

Anthony taking his little sister Natalie to the seating area in the memory garden. Someone must have gotten my camera, because I didn’t take these pictures in the memory garden. 🙂

Anthony and Natalie

Natalie and Anthony with their cousin Stetson.

Jasmine, Natalie, Stetson and Anthony

Grammy Diane rescued Stetson from his cousins.


I hadn’t taken many photos the day before our lunch because I was busy, and Mark and Diane’s family went to Hanover to visit Mark’s mother. This photo of Stetson is the only one I took the day before. It seemed like a good spot to insert it here.

I wanted a new picture of Heze, Stetson and Kayla for our refrigerator.

I also needed a photo of Josiah, Becca and Andre.

Becca’s cousin Connie came along on this trip from California, so Andre would have a partner when they went to Hershey Park the day before.

I wanted to capture a picture of Natalie walking – which she does now and then – but she just stood there and smiled. 🙂

When it started raining, Jasmine went outside to enjoy the warm wetness.

Connie and Jasmine playing with a ball.

Grammy Diane and Natalie. She tried to get her fill of holding and playing with grandchildren before she and Mark went back to Maine.

I think Stetson recognizes his Mamma’s voice.

Anthony using great grandpa’s walking stick and wearing his hat.

This great grandma was weary by the end of the day – but it was a delightful weary. 🙂

The next time we get together will be the first Sunday of December for our Christmas celebration.