Baron Breakfast


Thursday Morning, May 26 – 6:45 AM.

We were pleased to go to Manheim Central’s last Baron Breakfast with Jesse.

It didn’t suit Jere or Kristen on this morning.

It was his last Baron Breakfast, because he moves from Middle School to High School in the fall.


The Old Springhouse Bison were in the east field, so we drove right by some of them. I love seeing them in this pasture.

It looks like they should get plenty to eat here.

When we arrived at Jere and Kristen’s house, I got out of the car to get a picture of the old rocking chair that was in our attic.

The owner didn’t want it and Jere and Kristen love to decorate their yard with old stuff.

We got to school early and enjoyed breakfast while the other kids, parents and grandparents arrived.

This time there were encouraging notes from teachers – some in person and others by PowerPoint.

One thing they highlighted was encouraging parents and students to do interesting things together this summer – especially in our local area. The Shack Restaurant and Mini Golf gave out 10 tickets for free miniature golf games. 5 adult names were called and 5 students. Cerwin and I each got one! We rarely win things. πŸ™‚ We promised Jesse and his friend Nate that we would take them sometime after the 12th of June.