Just for Fun

Now that I know the personalities of our children,

I can imagine each one saying this to me at the time of their birth.


This blog entry happened today after being at Jere and Kristen’s house (for Josh’s birthday) and discussing the birth experiences of our babies. 🙂

Jeff: “Mom, must I have sleeves on my shirt?”

He cuts the sleeves off most of his summer shirts.

Diane: “Mom, could we can your extra breast milk so there is some for when you stop breastfeeding me?”

She cans anything that can be canned.

Jere: “Mom, lets hurry up with this birthing thing. I have a meeting tomorrow.”

He is very organized and scheduled and has lots of work-related meetings.

Deb: “May I have a baby raccoon in my crib?”

Much of her life revolves around baby animal rescues.


Along with their unique God-given personalities, they are similar in having good work ethics, and are faithful in sharing their love toward us and caring deeply for their family and friends.

I am proud to be the one who gave birth to them.