TFC Global Prayer Breakfast


Saturday Morning, November 20


We were up early to be at Yoder’s Restaurant by 7:15 – for the 7:30 prayer breakfast.

The morning sky was beautiful.

One thing I enjoy about late fall and winter is leafless tree silhouettes.

The sun was low and in our faces – making it difficult to drive.

We enjoy the fellowship with these friends. It was good to meet the Felpel’s (far end on the right).

This was the first time they attended this breakfast (front left in this photo). They fit in quite well and we enjoyed hearing a bit about their life.

Yoder’s give you many choices for a delicious breakfast – even a breakfast buffet. This was Cerwin’s ham and cheese omelet. I almost always get an English muffin sandwich with egg, cheese and bacon when I attend this breakfast.

David Fairfield was in charge of the devotional and shared encouraging stories from the chapel (he is a retired volunteer chaplain) and a variety of Bible verses.

I took this shot on the way home. Since we are in late Fall, those of us who live in southeastern Pennsylvania have a few trees that still have leaves, but most are bare or partly bare. It won’t be long before the leaves that are still holding on tight will blow away on a windy day.