My View of the Solar Eclipse


Friday Morning, November 19


I woke up early – forgetting that there was an eclipse. As soon as I opened Facebook, I saw a few comments about it, quickly grabbed my camera and went outside.

Because of my camera setting, my first two shots (taken just after 4:30 am) did not show the eclipse – only what looked like a partial moon – even though it was full moon.

I found some notes on the Internet about eclipses – especially this one.

A solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.

Usually, there are two eclipses in a row, but other times, there are three during the same eclipse season. This is the first eclipse this season. The second eclipse will be on December 4.

What causes a lunar eclipse?

It’s all because of the orbits of the moon around the Earth and the Earth around the sun, according to NASA. Sometimes, as all three celestial objects move around the solar system – the Earth passes between the moon and the sun.

I changed my camera setting and got a more accurate shot of what I was seeing.

About this particular eclipse.

It was the longest partial lunar eclipse since the 15th century.

The moon won’t disappear, but within the earth’s shadow it will turn a reddish copper color for a few hours, thus the term blood moon.