Note to Self – Do Not Start Turning the RAV4 Before Leaving the Garage


Wednesday, October 13


I was ready to leave to take a neighbor to a doctor appointment when a delivery truck pulled in behind our garage. He had several boxes, so I went outside to ask if he could back up so I could get out of the garage.

Apparently my mind was not in gear when I put the car in gear. As I backed up, I was thinking about avoiding the truck behind me and began turning BEFORE I left the garage. πŸ™ That is an humbling experience. (Like I need more of those in my life.)

Internet photo

The next day we contacted our insurance company and Roy’s Body Shop (near Lititz) to make arrangements for the needed repair.

It has been a long time since we had to do that and there have been a lot of changes. We had to download an app on our phone to answer questions and submit pictures.

We were incredibly pleased with both. The insurance company had the check at Roy’s Body Shop by the time we took it there on the 27th and Roy’s crew did a perfect repair job.