TFC Global – Susquehanna Chapter Prayer Breakfast

Saturday Morning , September 18

We were on the road by 6:30 AM to be at the Prayer Breakfast in Sunbury, PA, by 8:00 AM.

It was a warm, hazy morning.

By 6:45 the sun was telling us that it was there – behind the clouds.

As we traveled along the Susquehanna River, I could see sighs of a pretty sunrise, but there were too many trees, with only a few openings.

Sometimes I almost got a picture of the sun over the river, but each time I missed the opening as we traveled.

Got it!

Then the sun went behind the clouds again.

I continued to play peek-a-boo with the sun.

Getting closer to our destination.

This prayer breakfast is currently served in the basement of a Sunbury church. The restaurant they used for years is no longer serving breakfast due to COVID.

They tried a few other restaurants, but none was satisfactory because there was not a private room for discussion and prayer.

Several of the couples attend this church, and the cook was willing to prepare a meal for this meeting every other month.

This was the first time they were here, and several declared this as they best location they ever had. Plus the food was plentiful and delicious. There were pancakes, sausage gravy, eggs, sausage, toast, fruit, coffee and juice.

Due to COVID and our retirement it had been two years since we met with this group.

Since September is a pretty time of year to make this hour and a half trip, we told the contact person that we planned to attend on the 18th. He asked Cerwin to share a devotional and let everyone know what we are doing in retirement.

It was great to be there again. These men and women have been a faithful part of TFC for many years.

During the drive home we noticed several signs that the Fall season is arriving.

We enjoyed the drive and were incredibly encouraged and blessed by these TFC Global friends.