September Mushrooms

The weather and temperatures in September must have been just right for growing mushrooms, because we had a nice variety of them in our yard.

This one looks like it grew into a tight bit of grass because of the area where growth was hindered.

When I first noticed this one it was fairly large…

…the next day it was larger…

…and the next day it was even larger. Maybe 6-8″ in diameter.

One day last week I noticed the bright orange of a “Chicken of the Woods” mushroom and meant to get a picture, but waited until the next day. When I went outside, it was GONE.

I asked Cerwin if he had seen it. He said, “Oh, I threw it back in the woods.” The large mushrooms make a mess when he hits them with the mower. Consequently this is a photo of a previous mushroom and not the one I saw in September. 🙂 Cerwin felt bad when he knew I was planning to get a picture.