A Week of Funerals & Goodbyes

It has been a sobering week for us – after attending four funeral visitations between Saturday, August 21 and Friday, August 27.

I always pray for words of love and comfort when I talk to family members and am aware that no words can take away their pain.

First there was Vernon – my step-brother who was killed in a motorcycle accident.

Cancer was a culprit in the deaths of Marlin (a friend from church), Betty (Cerwin’s aunt) and Shirley (a neighbor). All had been fairly active until recent weeks.

Funerals “hit home” in a real way as I get older. Vernon and Shirley were younger than me.

As I pray for the spouses left behind I think about the reality of suddenly having to live alone after being married for many years. Sam and Betty were married for 67 years and still active in their church and business.

After attending the burial service for Aunt Betty, we were each encouraged to choose a flower from the top of her casket. I thought I was getting one lily, but when I plucked it from the bouquet, I had this delightful stem of two blooms and six buds.

The first two blooms lasted a few days, today there are four new flowers.

They don’t look as different from the photo above as it appears. Lighting in our kitchen made the difference.

I will continue to pray for the spouses: Mabel, Sue, Sam and Ben and their families.

Life is so real – so painful – and yet filled with hope and promises to those who are walking with the Lord.