Family Photos ~ Austin & Jana’s Wedding ~ Through My Lens


Sunday, May 23


I don’t know Austin’s family and just learned to know his parent’s names at the wedding, so I am going to try this: Brother, Brother-in-Law, Sister, Nephews, Brother-in-Law, Sister, Nephew, Bev (Mother), Austin, Jana, Steve (Dad), Sister, Sister, Nephew, Niece, Brother-in-Law. If I have anything incorrect, please let me know. 🙂

Jana grew up without a sister. She now has four.


There were a variety of shots with Austin’s family, but since the photographer has those, I focused on our family.


Those of us who were taking pictures allowed the photographer to be the center of their focus, so you will notice that in most of the photos people were focused on her.

Jana’s family: Josh, Ian, Jere, Jana, Kristen, Jesse, Jared

With Austin

With Josh’s girlfriend Emily and her daughter, Tucker.

The boys wanted to show off their Steelers socks. 🙂

With her mom

With her dad

Jere wanted Austin to know that he better take care of Jana. 🙂

With her brothers

With me

With Cerwin

We are the only living grandparents.

Austin now has new grandparents.

Jere’s and Kristen’s family – including us

From another angle.


Next wedding post will be the reception
