Getting the Patio Ready for Summer


Photos taken on Saturday, March 27


It was a beautiful day on Saturday, which gave us opportunity to get rid of the winter leaves and debris in the patio area. We will get more red stones and some pretty flowers, but will wait until later when the weather is warmer.

If you follow my blog, you will remember that I gathered 4 tiles from the old silo when it was taken down at the farm. Notice 3 pieces on the right. The largest one is on the left. You can see part of it behind the flower pot. I placed it below the kitchen window so I can reach the top of the window when washing it on the outside.

I moved a few birdfeeders, bought a new shepherd’s hook and feeder. It is interesting to watch the male goldfinches in their spring molt, meaning they will soon be in their brilliant yellow feathers.

Many of our daffodils are blooming – on the patio – and in the backyard woods.

I love the beauty of springtime.