TFC Global ~ Lancaster Prayer Breakfast


Photos taken Saturday morning, March 20


We enjoyed a beautiful sunrise-filled, 35-minute drive from our house to New Holland.

I love driving toward the east as the sun comes up.

I had just a few seconds to get a shot of Bergstrasse Evangelical Lutheran Church (east side of Ephrata) without getting electric or telephone lines in the shot. Did it!

Silos always make a pretty landscape visual during sunrise.

I got this pretty shot just before we turned right and headed southwest towards Yoder’s Restaurant. After this the sunrise was behind us.

Clockwise – Left to Right: Anna Mae, Ken, Bunny, James, Ed, David, Cerwin, Peg, Joe and Alvin.

Breakfast is served!

It was good to see this group of people again. It had been awhile since I went and the breakfast was not held every month due to COVID.

I am not sure whose breakfast plates I captured.

Following breakfast Chaplain Bunny challenged us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and reminded us that God is busy about His business.

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the LORD, because you know that your labor in the LORD is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Bunny serves truck drivers for TFC Global by visiting four local truck terminals each week (Crowe Transportation Services, Lanita Transport LLC, Jagtrux Inc., and Keener Grain). He shared a few interesting contacts and prayer requests.

He said he meets more than 200 drivers face-to-face each week. He talks to most of them in the break room while they are waiting for a load. It is not unusual for a driver or company owner to call him for prayer. He has the cell phone number of each driver from these companies – so he can also be in touch with him.


It was an encouraging morning.