Mid-Week Drive


Photos from Wednesday, February 24


Throughout the winter, we have been trying to go for a short drive in the middle of each week. On this particular day we visited friends in a retirement community. They live in an apartment, so visitors are welcome – with masks.

It was nice seeing new scenery – on roads we rarely travel.

We began this tradition to break up our week – as we adjusted to stay-at-home guidelines due to COVID and the fact that we retired from most TFC Global activities at the end of 2019.

We began mid-week drives during the spring of 2020 when we didn’t even get out to go to church on Sundays as we met by Zoom. Cerwin gets out of the house two or three times a week when he picks up milk, blood, and forage samples for Lancaster DHIA, but I wasn’t going anywhere. For that reason, I am sure that I was the one who first suggested going for a drive. We enjoyed it so much that it has become a tradition most weeks – especially when we have nothing else going on.

We usually go out for lunch or an early supper and get a few groceries at a grocery store, deli or roadside stand. Sometimes we include a stop at PaulB’s or another hardware store.

It is relaxing to be retired, and we are finding it to be a great time in our lives. We spent most of our lives being busy – sometimes very busy – so we are delighted to still have good health in our late ’70s. Cerwin will be 80 in April.

Before long we will cross the bridge into springtime, so maybe we won’t have time to take as many mid-week drives because we have an acre of yard to mow and many flower beds to keep after. Plus, it sounds like there will be more activities this spring and summer as COVID guidelines are loosened and lifted.