Felt Almost Like a Normal Week

It was a productive and interesting week.

Sunday – Shortly before church we received a phone call from our son Jeff saying that we have a new great grandson – Drake Maverick. See A New Great Grandchild! – My Journey – by Doris High.

After church we were invited to our friends Jesse and Martha’s house for lunch. What fun to visit with their daughter Joan, her husband, John, and their two girls, plus my brother Steve and sister-in-law Brenda. Brenda is also Martha and Jesse’s daughter. When we got home there was soup and cookies from Jere and Kristen with a note on the counter – so we knew who brought them.

Tuesday – Cerwin had his bi-yearly check up with his rheumatoid arthritis specialist. That went well. Dr. Henderson suggested that he get x-rays of his chest and wrists because RA can affect lungs and bones. While waiting for him to get the x-rays (same building), I was checking Facebook and noticed that my niece Amy had extra shoofly whoopie pies. She baked them for an event and had extra. She lives very near us, so I ordered six.

After the x-rays we went to Longhorn Steakhouse for an early supper where I was able to return a small dish that I accidently brought home the last time we were there. It had salad dressing in it. I put it in my take-home box with the salad, thinking it was plastic. 🙂

After getting home we sampled a delicious shoefly whoopie pie. Amy bakes whoopie pies, cupcakes, bread and dinner rolls for a business and is always experimenting with new items and flavors.

Wednesday – We had a surprise message from our granddaughter Gloria (who works for a pharmacy) asking if we wanted COVID vaccine shots. They had gotten vaccine for their employees and had a few extra.

Cerwin isn’t ready for the vaccine, but I went. It was a breeze since there were only 3 of us (other than employees who had gotten theirs earlier). When I walked in and went to the counter, the man asked if he could help me. I said, “I am here for a COVID vaccine.” A lady looked up and said, “You must be Gloria’s grandma.” 🙂 She didn’t know me, but since there were only 3 people coming for shots, she figured out who I was. It felt quite personal, rather than being one of hundreds or thousands.

Since I was ten minutes early, I was finished before my appointment time. I didn’t have any issues, other than a slight fever yesterday that was handled by ibuprofen. Today I am fine. I had the Moderna brand according to my medical card.

One hardly knows what to do about the vaccine. If you listen to other people’s opinions you will go crazy. I was leaning toward getting it and this felt like God dropped it into my lap (arm).

I think Cerwin is regretting that he didn’t go with me, because he will probably need a shot before we can travel overseas. We are still hoping to go to Belgium sometime – probably won’t be this year. Maybe next year. Our original plan was the first week of August last year, but that had to be cancelled.

Thursday – Jere brought chicken enchiladas (three that didn’t fit into their baking pan) and 4 freshly baked whoopie pies. Everything was delicious.

Today (Friday) – we took our income tax paperwork to the woman who does that work for us, made a delivery to the TFC Global office and enjoyed visiting with Mike, Joanna and Carol, then went to Costco. On the way home we stopped at Jere and Kristen’s to drop off some Costco items they ordered.

Since most of our weeks are uneventful, especially in winter and during the stay-at-home-as-much-as-possible guidelines, this week was quite eventful and felt almost normal again.

In addition to the above things, we went to the post office twice this week: with the single TFC Global Highway News and a newsletter from Bob Keiderling (Northeast District Manager). I am working on the Wayne-Holmes Banquet (OH) banquet flyer with Chaplain Jason and Shannon Nussbaum. Today I fine-tuned the Lancaster Banquet cancellation letter with Randy and Karen Sauder (Lancaster Contacts) and Joanna Maart (our copyeditor at the International Office). I love collaborating with people to put flyers, letters and newsletters together.

Sunset photos taken on Monday, January 18