Notes from Sunday Worship

Sunday, August 23

Sunday School

Taming the Tongue – James 3:1-12

Teacher – Bob Copenhaver

Some of the older ones in the congregation remember Ralph Snavely who always asked us to sing Great is Thy Faithfulness. We don’t know why that song was special to him, but I expect he experienced God’s faithfulness in a way that made an impact on his life.

We also remember Roy Benzel’s beautiful tenor voice – especially when he sat on the raised benches in one of our old churches.

They used their tongues to praise and glorify God.

Taming the tongue is a slow and deliberate process.

Wait! Why Am I Talking?

If a soft answer turns away wrath, why do we yell at people?

Respond slowly – think – pause

We need a daily encounter with Jesus Christ to Tame Our Tongue.

Sermon – Dave Wenger

Hebrews 2:1-18

There are six warnings in the book of Hebrews with the first one in this chapter.

Beware of Neglect and Drifting

We can neglect our health which will probably effect our body, but neglecting our spiritual health is even more dangerous.

Pay attention to the message of Jesus Christ.

Listen carefully to His message.

It is not just enough to hear the Gospel – we must follow through – do something with what we have heard.

Someone in a boat cannot fall asleep when on a river, and not be aware of his position or he may find himself going over a dangerous waterfall.

Spiritual neglect means we no longer hold Christ as supreme.

When we neglect our focus on God, we become focused on things of this earth.

Understanding the truth of “so great a salvation” is a necessary ingredient to our spiritual journey.

Because Jesus was victorious in rising from the dead, He gives us the power to be victorious.