She Had Me With the Photo

Photo by Sharyn

When I saw this photo on my friend Sharyn’s Facebook page, saying she had separated her Siberian Iris and had several clumps (for free), I quickly responded.

I messaged her that I would take two and could pick them up the next morning. She lives only two miles from us. Sometimes in the middle of winter when there are no leaves on trees we might be able to see each others house. (There is a woodlot between us.)

It was a good excuse to see her flowerbeds. I had a great time with her and Geff the next morning and seeing their many, pretty and creative flowerbeds. I got two clumps for Kristen – who also ordered some.

One of my favorite Saturday morning TV programs is Martha Stewart’s Martha Knows Best on HTGV. Cerwin was ready to plant the iris about the time it was coming on. I said, “Can you wait a half hour, maybe Martha will tell me how to plant iris.” πŸ™‚

I was surprised when she did an episode on planting perennials and included iris. I am not sure that there is a wrong way to plant an iris, but we chose an empty part of our woodsy Memory Garden.

I look forward to seeing some of these beautiful purple flowers next August.