Field and Garden Variety

Around Our House – June 17, 19 & 21

Brown Thrasher. I learned the difference between the Wood Thrush and the Brown Thrasher this year. Thanks to one of my readers. They look similar, but the Brown Thrasher has distinctive yellow eyes with large black center.

They are active and fun to watch.

Pretty white flowers – on a perennial in our memory garden.

June 17. The Yucca is getting closer to blooming.

This male goldfinch looked pretty in our blue feeder.

A daylily in full bloom

The Shasta Daisies are in varying stages of blooming.

The field across the road is sprouting butternut squash.

June 21. The Hosta blooms are so pretty, I decided to bring some inside.

One of our succulents is blooming this year. It doesn’t bloom every year.

By the time the three Yucca plants were blooming on June 21, Cerwin tied them to the tree so they stayed upright.

I love the beauty around me.