Yard and Field

Thursday, May 21

The field in front of us was being sprayed early in the morning – 7:00 am – just like the one across the road was done yesterday.

The corn planting began in the late afternoon – 4:00 pm.

In this photo it is easy to see the 12-row planter. My dad would have liked having a planter that large.

I removed the two pieces of plexiglass that enclosed the sides of this feeder, because a squirrel (or something) chewed a hole on one side. The other week when Roy stopped in, we heard a strange sound and noticed that a bird was trapped inside the feeder. Roy bravely rescued it. 🙂 The birds seem to enjoy that it is now open.

Many birds seemed to like the mealy worm suet, because it is quickly disappearing.

I think this is a grackle – because of its intense eyes.

We planted three young peony bushes two years ago when Dustin and Jenna were redoing their yard. This is the first time year we have peonies. There are only two – but there are two!

We have a very old lilac bush that is beginning to bloom. It never gets as pretty as some peoples lilacs – but I still get to smell that glorious scent.