Notes from Friday Evening Worship

Friday, April 3

Opening by Glendon Zook

“The church is you” – seems more real today when we can’t “go to church.”

What comes to mind when you think of Easter? Living hope.

Jesus Christ is my “living hope.”


We may hope it doesn’t rain. We may hope to meet again. But that kind of hope is shaded with difficulty.

Living Hope

Living hope is real – it extends throughout eternity.

Introduction to the Sunday School Lesson by Eric Shorey

Eric serves as a deacon at Wales Brethren Church in Maine – where our evangelist Mark Bucher is a minister.

Lesson title: A Just Servant. Isaiah 42:1-9

Servants of the Lord: Those who follow and serve God.

Children’s Story by Mark Bucher

Where are you storing your treasure?

While listening to the songs before this service, Mark remembered a “treasure box” he has in a nearby drawer. He is not sure why he saved some of these things: his first wallet (in photo), his high school graduation tassel, a maple syrup plug.

God wants us to lay up treasure – but not on earth.

Illustration: The ball represents earth. The tray is where we are storing “stuff”.

The cups represent our earthly treasure. Whatever that treasure is for you – gold, stocks, land.

When the stack was high he “shook the earth” by shaking the table, and everything collapsed.

I missed that picture because I was writing notes. 🙂

We can’t see our heavenly treasure. As Mark mentioned ways of laying up heavenly treasure – following God, helping a neighbor, giving encouraging words, etc. – he threw cups in a suitcase. They are things we no longer remember – but God remembers.

What would it look like if we got a “statement” from Heaven at the end of each month – like we get a bank statement? Are we storing up Heavenly treasure?

We can trust God to take care of our treasure in Heaven.

Closing by Glendon Zook

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26