Afternoon Walk

Sunday, March 15

This was just the beginning of the coronavirus stay-at-home order and I was already feeling the need to get outside. 🙂 I think it was just in my head.

My view to the southeast as I began my two-mile walk around the block.

Approaching the Homestead.

The dairy barn – just after my first right turn. My first walk in springtime always takes me back to my childhood – especially when I am on this particular road. When I was young this was a dirt road and often our playground. Bikes, playing in the dirt, and making mud pies. Because it was a dirt road only a few people used it – and then rarely.

It must not have been close to feeding time because there was only one cow at the feeding trough. The rest were resting.

This hillside was covered with tiny blue flowers.

A neighbor’s cattle.

This hillside was covered with white flowers – weeds some people would say.

The mountain behind our house is still looking rather grey – but there are budding trees that show up in the sunshine.

It must have been feeding time at this farm, because most of the heifers were eating and interested in the lady walking by their place.

When I looked to the other side of the road I could see Jere and Kristen’s house.

With my zoom you can see it a little better.

Second right turn. Not quite one mile completed yet.

About the one-mile point. Approaching Nevin and Theda’s place. It looks like Nevin has been splitting wood. Notice the budding trees in the background.

This time of year – before the trees are covered with leaves – I can see our house across the fields.

I enjoy seeing the neighbor’s horses.

A pretty pond with an Amish farm in the background.

There were three of these cute guys who seemed alarmed at my presence. 🙂 There was a lot of running and barking.

Just after my third right turn – the mules at our Amish neighbors.

The Pennsylvania turnpike – at the base of the mountain – had very little traffic. I had to wait about a minute to get this photo of a truck.

Someone was enjoying the pretty day in the air.

I met a neighbor man twice because we were walking in opposite directions. I think he is hidden in front of this family. As we stopped to talk, this family approached us. Brian (the father) asked if I has seen the neighborhood eagle. I didn’t even know there was one here. He is not sure if it has a nest here or just comes to visit. He has seen it several times.

Just after making my final turn – onto our road – I stopped to check on a neighbor man. He didn’t answer the door – but when I called the next day, he said his doorbell doesn’t always work. I reminded him to call us if he needs anything. He said his son and a niece are taking good care of him.


I am a fair weather walker, so look forward to my next outside walk. When the weather is not “fair” I use our treadmill – especially on days when I am not going up and down our steps to the office – and carrying large bulk mailing trays to the post office.