Starling Invasion

I watched as a flock of European Starlings came through our yard the other day and emptied our feeders.

From the Internet: Starlings are relatives of the mynah birds, and like them they have impressive vocal abilities and a gift for mimicry.

They can warble, whistle, chatter, make smooth liquid sounds, harsh trills and rattles, and imitate meadowlarks, jays, and hawks. The songs tend to consist of either loud whistles or softer, jumbled warbling.

They have complex vocalizations and have been known to embed sounds from their surroundings into their own calls, including car alarms and human speech patterns.

There were a few Eastern Bluebirds at the feeders, but they soon went back to their nests or somewhere else to eat.

By this morning most of our suet was gone, so I waited awhile before refilling our feeders and suet holders. Hoping they had migrated on to someone else’s place. 🙂