Day 4 in Maine

Saturday, January 4

A cold, winter Saturday

Their neighborhood – outside a kitchen window. Mount Washington is just beyond the horizon – many miles – but it can be seen on a clear day if you walk up the hill behind their house.

It was a delightfully, lazy day. We (Mark, Diane, Cerwin, and I) played several kinds of games with Skip-Bo cards most of the day. This game appears to be Golf.

What fun to see another Pileated Woodpecker. I know it’s a different one, because this one doesn’t have a read cheek – meaning it is a female.

She looks rather gray from this view.

During the afternoon we began designing a new game by playing the cards similar to Golf – but having to get all 12 numbers turned over – not in any specific order.

The woodpecker distracted us again.

Hannah came for the evening, so we taught her our new game. By then we made a few adjustments. She loved it.

We made it a bit more challenging by making a rule that the numbers had to be in order – following the order of the first card you turned over.

This one appears to have red on its cheek – meaning it is a male. I didn’t notice the red cheek at first because of the lighting.

I love a relaxing, inside day when it is wintry outside.