Notes from Sunday Worship

Sunday, November 24 – Sunday school. Subject: Faith That Escapes Corruption – 2 Peter 1:1-15

Superintendent: Matthew Patches – What is precious to you? During the gold rush, gold became the focus for many people. Some left everything to search for gold. Are we willing to leave everything and search for God’s riches?

Sunday School Teacher: Kevin Longenecker

How do we “gird up” the loins of our mind? Think clearly, shapeup, beware.

We must start with our foundation in Christ Jesus and build on that. Build with virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity.

Worship Service

Opening remarks by Ron Copenhaver

This week he was burning trash along a fence row on their farm. There was a variety of things, including tree stumps that had some wire and metal wrapped around them. It burned for a few days and when everything was done, all that was left was some of the metal and wire. It made him think about things we do in life that will burn up and not last for eternity. Are we focused on things that are valuable? Things that will last?

Minister: Dustin Martin

Going the Wrong Way on a One-Way Road.

John 8:21-59

Many “religious” people are going the wrong way.

Jesus often fascinates people, but many became distracted or even enraged and soon move on to follow another religious leader – or they wander off following no one.

Five words to help us make sure we are going the right way on the one-way road to Heaven.


Many times we only hear what we want to hear, and we are not listening to God’s Word. Remember faith comes by hearing.

Dustin told a story from Chuck Swindoll: “There was a time when I had overcommitted myself with too many appointments. My family soon paid the price because I was always preoccupied and in a hurry. One evening our young daughter said she wanted to tell me something, and that she could do it very quickly. It stopped Chuck in his tracks and he said, you don’t have to tell me quickly. Tell me slowly. She said, then you will have to listen slowly.”


We must believe in Jesus to be going the right direction.


A time will come when every knee will bow before Jesus.


We cannot be on the right road and put it in neutral


It is not enough to start well – we must finish well


Abiding is more than putting our head down and moving on through the daily grind, sometimes burning ourselves out.

Abide means we are “home”. It is equal to rest and joy.