Notes from Sunday Worship

Sunday, September 22

How big is your God? – Challenge from Rol Longenecker – Sunday school superintendent

Sunday School: Teacher: Nevin Ebersole – Faithful Despite Unfaithfulness – Numbers 12:1-2, 17-18, 25-28

Do we have moments of faith or a life of faith?

Can mature Christians become as faithless as the Children of Israel? Just a short time after their miraculous deliverance from Egypt they were grumbling.

Doubting God brings unrest. Trusting God brings rest.

The ten spies saw only the obstacles. Caleb and Joshua saw the land from God’s perspective.

Worship: Preacher – Carl Groff – Scripture: John 7:1-31

Jesus does not require me or you to walk in His physical steps in the Holy Land, but He does give direction on where we should and should not walk spiritually.

Walk in Light. Walk in the Spirit. Walk in Wisdom. Walk in Newness of life.

Do not walk with sinners.

Our faith is about a Holy Highway that leads to Heaven.

Unbelief ridicules believers.

Unbelief limits what God will do for you and in your life.

Unbelief eventually gets nasty.

Unbelief eventually becomes violent.

Unbelief shackles people to their past.

Unbelief can become belief by trusting Jesus.

Belief gives victory and freedom.