Field Work Last Week

The farmers are busy in our area – especially across the road from us. Our Amish neighbor was spreading manure on Monday, September 16.

As you can see by his clothing – it was a warm morning.

Wednesday evening – two days later – they began harvesting the corn on our family farm.

They were still packing the silage in the storage trench when we went to bed, so we expected to see empty/harvested fields when we woke up, because it is not unusual for them to work all night.

However, they must have stopped working at a reasonable hour as this was our morning view.

It was quite a bit cooler on this morning as you can see by the young Amish man’s hoodie while disking his field.

These two are going to have to look for a new place to live when their cornfield is empty.

By Friday evening the farm workers were completing the corn harvest in the fields next to us.

I always enjoy watching how well they maneuver the corners of the field.

Packing the corn silage on the trench at the farm (about a quarter mile away from us).

Putting the finishing touches on the field.

Packing the silage in the trench went on long after the fields were empty of corn.

Remember what our road looked like when we came home from our trip on September 12?

This is what it looks like now. It is certainly beginning to look like late summer/early fall.