Mountain Life with Jere & Kristen’s Family – Part 1

Thursday, August 15 and Friday August 16

We found ourselves following the rented trailer again – left – as we headed to Potter County, PA. Notice the big load on the trailer to the right. πŸ™‚

This rig did have a big load.

Now we are on my kind of road – a back country road.

We were getting closer to our friends mountain house – a bit later than we planned – but we were still praising God for his protection earlier in the morning. When Jere backed up the suburban – to attach the rented trailer – the brakes felt squishy – then went the whole way to the floor. πŸ™

We were thankful that Cory Kreiser (Kreiser’s Garage) and some of his workers were able to do an emergency brake repair.

Imagine if that happened on the road – especially on one of the many hills on which we traveled. We thanked God many times that day for going ahead of us on this trip and thought of Bible verses like: Deuteronomy 31:8. It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” ESV

I don’t think we ever saw this on our GPS. πŸ™‚ In 1.7 miles we would leave the road.

We came upon a road block just a short distance from the house. There was a log across the road from an Amish logger.

He quickly pulled it off the road and we were on our way again.

Our final turn into Sparky and Marilyn’s lane.

After getting settled in our rooms, Kristen made an early supper of beef barbecue and corn fritters.

They weren’t ordinary corn fritters – but they were made with fresh corn.

Jere and Jesse played and old game from early computer game days – something like Super Mario.

There were lots of things going on below the loft: Jared, Jana, and Ian playing a card game, Kristen taking a picture of them, and Cerwin relaxing in the corner of the couch – where he had a view of the corn feeder. He was hoping to see deer or maybe a bear.

By dark we heard the sound of rain.

Kristen read the house diary – where visitors told about happenings while they visited.

Jesse joined his siblings for another game before bedtime.

Jere and Kristen on Friday morning.

Jana and Jere discussing something on her cell phone.

The first game of the day

I think this is the game I won. πŸ™‚ Or was it Phase 10 that I won?

The house from the backyard.

A storage shed

A path into the woods from the back yard.

A pretty fern

I love finding flowers in the woods.

Setting up targets for target practice.


The guys after target practice.

Kristen and I shot Jere’s pistol as well. I am not sure how she did, but Jere said I would never kill an animal – but I might scare the life out of it. πŸ™‚

Oh, well, it was the first time I ever shot a pistol. Cerwin and I think I may have tried shooting a 22 rifle one time more than 55 years ago. As you can tell, shooting a gun is not high on my priority list.

Checking out their targets.

Then the guys decided to fill used bottles with water. Ian shot the lid off of this one.

Time to relax

Preparing mountain pies for supper

Peanut butter and Nutella

Ian preparing a pizza mountain pie.

My pizza mountain pie sandwich

Playing bingo with candy. (We missed Josh, Emily, Tucker and Austin who had other things planned for the weekend.)

Jere replacing the candy he ate. This weekend was what Jere wanted for his upcoming (September 24) 50th birthday.

Playing Candyland with candy for markers.

Phase 10 closed our day

We were hoping to see more animals, but they must have been at the neighbors cabins. πŸ™‚ We saw one rabbit, several raccoons, and Jere saw a porcupine before going to bed.