Jade’s 1st Birthday

Sunday Evening, August 4

What fun to be invited – and attend – our great-granddaughter Jade’s birthday party.

It was a beautiful evening at Dustan, Jenna and Jade’s house.

Dustan was grilling hamburgers and hot dogs when we arrived.

Dustan and Jenna chose a bee-themed party.

Many think that Jade looks like her Aunt Valarae – her daddy’s youngest sister.

Dustan, Jenna, and Deb (Dustan’s mother). Preparing for prayer before the meal.

Valarae, Jade and Jeff (Jade’s Grandpa High)

Jade is just beginning to walk – sometimes with mamma’s help.

Great-Grandma Wells came to assist.

Jade, her parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles enjoyed a delicious meal.

The birthday cake.

Singing Happy Birthday

Mommy, are you sure it is okay to do this?

I can’t believe Daddy and Mommy are letting me do this.

A shot just after Jade kissed her mom.

Giving Daddy a kiss.

This is getting messy.

Okay, Mom, I am ready for a bath.

Grandma High got to hold her after a bath.

Opening presents.

Valarae, Grandma Rohrer, and Grandpa High – removing a doll from its packaging.

When touched at the right spot, the doll sang “Jesus Loves Me.”

Hand painted by Jade’s Aunt Abby

There were lots of gifts – many of which I did not photograph.