Josiah & Becky – The Reception

Sunday Evening, July 7

They expanded their guest list for the reception. I think they were expecting eighty people.

The meal was prepared by family and friends.

Chicken was grilled by friends

Green beans by Becky’s foster parents

Baked potatoes provided by Mark and Diane – wrapped by the girls and baked by Becky’s sister.

Cole slaw by Diane

Cupcakes and cake by Lydia

Cerwin and I provided the garden tea and water – ten gallon of each. Diane gathered most of the tea and brewed it. We had five gallon of plain, sweet tea and five gallon with lemonade added. This girl is writing her name on the cup.

Josiah ate a cupcake while waiting for the others to go through the buffet line. Life is short – eat dessert first. 🙂

Their guests enjoyed the delicious food – then had a good time visiting.

Chris and Becky

I was looking for an opportunity to get a picture of Becky’s boots.

Diane got a picture of the old couple with her cell phone.

The children entertained themselves with the go carts on the property.

God blessed them with a beautiful day – between two rainy, stormy days.